The journey of my family's struggle with a Brain Tumor. Cancer Sucks but the days continue so we must continue on as well... with a fight!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Day 6 and 7...

Well, the patch is 1/2 way back. Todd needed it for the weekend and Monday but he told me today that he did not use it. Who knows, one day at a time! Yesterdays and todays treatment went well. After yesterdays appointment, Dr. Malyapa wanted to touch base with him. He showed Todd the map of his brain and exactly where they are shooting the protons. Todd said it was pretty cool. Dr. Malyapa said all was going expected-what does that really mean?! He also told Todd to try and wear a bucket style type of hat to protect the back of his head and neck. HEHE. I can not see Todd wearing this type hat. He told me that he would start wearing his ballcaps backwards.

I have had sooo much great feedback on the blog! I am glad that people are reading it. I had several customers that have become friends stop by today just to "check" in. It has also allowed me to reconnect with friends that I/we have not spoken to in awhile. Todd told me tonight that I have more support than he does. I told him it is because I have FRIENDS!!! Of course, he said that jokingly.

Well, I had intended this to be a long post with pictures but I am a little behind so I will keep doing the daily updates and then in the "spare" time I will work on the pictures post. Thanks everyone for caring.