I've started to blog week after week and I just push it off to the side. I feel like I don't really have a whole lot to say but Ty and I have been so busy this summer.
We are learning to live a new life... life without Todd has definitely been difficult. It's what we both knew and know. I struggle with the day to day operations as for the last few months, we had so much help and my household was busy. I struggle with 'planning' as our life has been planned down to the hours over the last few months. I struggle with figuring this crazy life out...
Ty and I took a few weeks to 'chill' and just go with the flow. We stop and 'see' Todd a few times a week (when we are home) and we are always telling jokes and crazy stories. I struggled on the 4th of July because it is one of my favorite holiday's and Todd would let me 'act a fool' by making sure we had party favors, dressed alike and bounced around the neighborhood. I am blessed to say that the neighbors filled in very well... We had an excellent 4th of July!
Afterwards, Ty and I went on our annual beach trip with Amy and her mom, Sandy. I love this trip and I try not to pass on it... We are so thankful that they like us enough to invite us year after year. I went down with the mindset of relaxing and thinking... I did just that. I rocked of the back porch many afternoon/nights, watched the sunrise/sunset and sat for hours with my feet in the water. I think I had an AHH HAA moment. Todd wouldn't want us to be moping around crying as he would tell me over and over during the last few months. He would want us to be happy and moving forward...
With that being said, I came home and told Ty that we were moving forward...what does that mean?? Who really knows, lol... I told him that we would never forget the past and memories and we would NEVER forget Todd but that we were going to search for happiness. Happiness for all... I went by the cemetery that next day and I told Todd about my new 'plan.' I talked to him for about 5 min and while there a older lady came by and saw me crying... We exchanged a hello and then started to talk (yes, I make friends in a cemetery) She asked if I was here to see a parent and I told her it was my husband. She said, no one should ever lose a husband/wife at a young age.. which I agreed. She then told me to make the best I could out of my life. I'm not sure if it was a crazy sign or not but I truly felt like God had placed her there to confirm my new 'plan.'
Our new 'plan'... we are making new memories and new traditions. We are remembering Todd for all that he did for us and all the fun we had. No one can take that away from us but we are now on a mission to make new... new everything!
I have continued to work and Ty has been a summer rug rat. We have been very fortunate to have 'kid' sitter who watches over Ty 3 days a week. We love Luke... The 2 of them are 2 peas in a pod. They both could play video games all day and night! Ty also starts school next week in which I NEED very badly. We are so out of routine and I need structure.
I am asked every day how Ty and I are doing.... My answer: We are doing well and making adjustments. Every day is a new day. No major decisions and we are just going with the flow...
Sorry it has taken so long but THANKS to everyone who has supported the Bloomfields over the last year! Love ya all...
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7 hours ago
Welcome back! I love your new plan! Sending lots of love and well wishes!
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