The journey of my family's struggle with a Brain Tumor. Cancer Sucks but the days continue so we must continue on as well... with a fight!

Friday, February 24, 2012

We've Moved... and updates.. Thanks

Yes, we have moved to the dining room. I think we will be the only house in the neighborhood with cable hook up in our dining room. :)

We (I) choose to move us downstairs since Todd's mobility is virtually nonexistent... He is no longer able to hold his weight up and even struggles transferring to the wheel chair. It is so sad to see how bad his mobility has become. His coordination has really gone down hill as well. He can still feed himself but I prefer for someone to be around at all times and he easily gets choked up. His bathroom duties are strained and once again, I prefer to make sure he has help.

With all this being said, not only is it hard on me and Ty... it is now taking a toll on him emotionally. He has lost all control over virtually EVERYTHING. He really has no voice in anything and I know this is killing him on the inside. I've tried to give him the benefit of the doubt when he says 'I can do it, I can do it' and then we have an accident... whether it be falling or bathroom incidents. He fell 2x in the beginning of the week (all being stubborn and not letting anyone know he was getting up) and he looks like he was attacked by a cat. He forehead was cut/bruised, he had a huge scratch going down his cheek and he misc scratches all over his face. It's in his best interest to let someone help... truly is!

This week he has started to have some breathing problems however if you ask him, he is fine. Our moms and 2 of the therapists heard congestion in his chest so on Thursday I had them check out his chest... Dr. Avery told us that he is probably drinking while laying down or not sitting upright and there might be a little bit of fluid going into his lungs OR his lungs are weakening and that's where they hear the raspyness. Either way, he was encouraged to sit up while drinking and they also gave him an inhaler for those 'just in case' moments. I think he is gasping for air most of the time when he is in some kind of motion. Again, something else to worry about.

Todd's been so accepting of the people coming in and out of the house, especially people he barely knows.. His longtime friend Ray, who he hadn't seen in a few years, is coming by and helping out. I know he enjoys seeing him because it's his friend and not mine... LOL.. I know have Ray volunteering 1 day a week. (Not sure he knows about it yet though, lol)

Speaking of volunteers... I've been finding people to help from the 10ish-2ish time frame. This allows Todd to sleep in and have a few hours of peace. Then in the afternoon he can relax and wait on Ty to come home. I need that time frame since I don't want him eating or moving around by himself. I make sure he is all set in the mornings, then the mid person then Ty from 4-6. Yes, this is a lot of responsibility for an 11 year old but this week Ty has really stepped it up. The past few nights he has not gone upstairs to play online because he wants to stay with me to 'help.' Back to volunteers... I am using our family members, neighbors and friends. Many of my friends/family want a permanent weekly 'shift' so I am working to make a schedule that fits everyone's needs. You all truly don't know what a blessing you all have been to us!!! I think I will try to take a few extra days off within the next few weeks/months. If worse comes to worse, I can tackle FMLA... This will allow me to spend more time helping him and making him not so uncomfortable when others come into the house. I will then use the volunteers to fill in the other hours. I'm not sure how it will play out so...To be continued...

My head is so full that I am having a hard time keeping up with 'stuff'... nothing major, I just forget things so If I haven't responded it's because I haven't gotten to that part in my brain. :)

I do want to send out a few THANK YOU's for gifts we have received this week:

  • Tom and Julie Carpenter-Pops brother and sister in law
  • The office staff and Ted's work- Todd's dad
  • Sunday school class from Mom's church
  • Multiple monetary donations via paypal- bracelets were mailed today (sorry that I was a few days behind on those who 'ordered' bracelets a couple of days ago
  • The Belew's (the secret gift)- our neighbors

As always, my friends and coworkers who put up with our craziness.

Thanks everyone!!!

The Clan


Len and Lois Renko said...

Dearest friends, We are anxiously awaiting a schedule from you. Todd and Len get along very well and Todd seems to enjoy Len's company. We have done care of others in the past 12 years extensively collectivly, and individually. We are both available, any time, day or night, but please, PLEASE, let us hear from you. We will volunteer for more than one day, of course. Todd may be more comfortable with a male caregiver, but I want to help in any way possible, also. All of our love and prayers are comming your way always, Len and Lois 257-1212

Jenna said...

Kim, I wish I was there. Sometimes just prayers feel so inadequate even though I know they are needed.

I am of course praying for you all.