The journey of my family's struggle with a Brain Tumor. Cancer Sucks but the days continue so we must continue on as well... with a fight!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Knox Dr. Appt today

We met with the NP, Tiffany today.... She wanted to see him since he had been on the new chemo for a full week. (11 days to be exact)...

Her biggest concern was now for his safety while at home alone. In previous days, I said he was so-so on his feet. Well, now he really doesn't need to be walking around unattended at all. I told him last night that I felt like I could not adequately care for him when he falls at home. It's like dead weight and I can't pick him up...shoot, I can barely support him when he starts to sway. It was a very hard conversation to have but I needed him to understand how serious and concerned I was regarding his falls.

He fell today with Greg (Todd's brother) and Greg told me that he even had a hard time helping him back to his feet... we think he broke his thumb however he did not want Tiffany to X-ray it. He said it hurt really bad and by the time I left him it was swollen and bruised. Luckily, it is only a thumb and I will get something to protect it this afternoon.

Tiffany finally got him to agree that he doesn't need to be moving around the house while no one is home. They have ordered him a new wheelchair (one with big wheels so he can move himself) and gave him a urinal. This way he is not getting up on his feet. She gave me the names of some centers to call regarding afternoon 'sitters' but after talking to Blue Cross Blue Shield we don't have respite coverage. Any 'sitters' will have to be friends/family or paid out of pocket (be on the lookout for a volunteer sheet). I am going to continue to abuse my neighbors for another week or so while I work on the next plan. I really want to see how the wheelchair works out first...

He got pretty upset with her and almost seemed teary-eyed when she wanted him to 'move' downstairs... He said he is away from me and Ty so much as it is since we work and have school, that sleeping downstairs would be hard for him emotionally. She agreed that as long as someone was there with him for the steps that he could continue to 'live' upstairs until things changed. The guy has been through so much and his world has been turned upside down that I will do whatever is necessary to keep him happy as long as I can.

I am allowing everything to sink in for the next few days and then I will tackle a new plan. Thanks for all the advice that has been sent our way. I will keep you posted. :)

Keep on praying... we need a miracle!

The Clan...


Anonymous said...


I'm following your blog and praying for your family. I've always been a fan of Todd and Greg, and am so sorry for the fight you are waging as a family. You are obviously a rock for everyone. Let me know of anything I can do in the capacity of friend or attorney.

Robbie Pryor

Anonymous said...

Please let me know how I can help. I can be reached at 254.7037

I've been and will continue to pray.
