Dr. Desjardin came by and reassured Todd about the procedure, held his hand and told him that she will do whats in his best interest. They made a few jokes and she said she would come by or call us in the am (if we were already gone.) Her and I stepped outside (where I got teary eyed... must be her, LOL) and I asked what the best case scenario was. She explained all the types of tumors in her French accent... I got about 1/2 of them. She said best case was a Grade 2 but she thinks its a Grade 3. We discussed that if it was a Grade 3, he was still in the 'good' because it was caught so early and treatment could start right away (within a week, brain has to heal.) She hugged me and wished us well...
After an hour of waiting in pre-op and now 8pm they were ready for him to go... I kissed him through the head thingy, told him it would be ok and headed out to waiting area. Within 30 minutes, they called to say that the first incision had been made. Within the next 30 minutes, I had a call saying he was done and all went well. The lady handed me the phone and he said he was feeling well and very thankful to have the halo off!
I met them back up in our room and within 5 minutes, Dr. Friedman called to say that it is definitely cancer and it appeared to be a Grade 3. We will know more within the next few days. I thanked him and now off we go waiting on our new plan. Dr. Desjardin will give us our plan within the next few days once the full pathology report comes back.
The staff here has been more than excellent. We've had a great trip here and pleased to have chosen this group! They've been very hand-holding.... :)
Since it was done so late, we are sleeping in the room again. I think I will need a massage when I get home to fix my back. The chair hasn't really been too bad but I will look forward to being in my own bed tomorrow.
I think thats it... he wanted food and a soda so I immediately did that. He has 5 holes in his head-4 from the halo and one from the biopsy. 2 needed stitches... They said he might have black eyes so if you see him out just know I didn't do it!!! LOL
I can't thank those enough for everyone who consistently prayed for us today. I had so many people coming out of the woodwork.... it was awesome. I know we have many people that are on our side and it's very reassuring to hear from you all.... A simple text is just enough.
We have a busy road still ahead so I will take many of you all up on food offers, hang tight...
Off to try to sleep.... I've thanked God multiple times today for bringing him back to me... Ty and I need the little sucker! :)
Nite all!!!
Oops, here are a few pics from today!

Man what a trooper you both are. Kim always keeping everyone up-to-date....and Todd always smiling....you guys rock....I love you both....give me a list of stuff you guys like to eat....I will cook some meals for you.
Thank you Tyler for being such a great kid your mom and dad are very blessed to have such an awesome kid.
Been praying for you since you left for Duke. You are a strong family and God has been with you through it all. Keep trusting God and please let me know if I can do anything for you.
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