The journey of my family's struggle with a Brain Tumor. Cancer Sucks but the days continue so we must continue on as well... with a fight!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Poor Ol Todd...

I really mean that... I think he has hit close to rock bottom. I know he's physically tired as well as mentally/emotionally!

Not a whole lot transpired over the past few days. We did add a few new members to our ship... PT (Physical Therapy) came by on Saturday to do an evaluation. From there we were told that PT, OT and Speech would each be coming to the home 2x per week for the next 6-8 weeks.

I had a hard time getting all the new medicine lined up but we are slowing getting it in... the new chemo should be delivered sometime next week. I just got the ritalin (which is NOT covered by insurance...better work) and I had to get more magic mouthwash, **remind me to come back to the mouth sores.

As far as Todd goes... he's nearly 99% bed/couch bound at this moment. He can't do any walking around unsupervised because he is definitely not good on his feet. PT has ordered him a walker with a seat for around the house (guess I will need to get crafty and decorate it for him in UT stuff) and I am picking up a wheelchair tomorrow for the visits to the dr and such. I now also have an emergency back up plan with neighbors and friends in case Todd slips or gets stuck while I am at work...I'm sure its not perfect however it will do for the time being. I have even debated working in 'shifts' and taking time off so that I can make sure he gets where he needs to be and can be settled for a few hours. I spent most of the morning making 'easy' grab foods for Todd so he won't starve while I'm gone. This way he won't use all his energy making something to eat.

I also picked up a shower/bath bench... it's pretty neat in the fact it goes over in the tub and over the side of it so he can sit on it outside of the tub and then slide into the tub (lol, make sense). We also installed a new shower head that has a long handle and cord so it makes it easier. Of course, he won't be doing this while no one is home!

I think that's the highlights... I don't see any lights yet at the end of the tunnel. In our 'ship' terms, we are floating in the big ocean with no motor and no signs of civilization. I know...eventually...we have to see an island, even if it's little. :)

A shout out to all the people who called to help AND helped this week and those who stopped by. I know Todd gets tired of looking at me all the time. :) For those who have put their name on the emergency list, you better be ready!!!

Keep us in your prayers...we truly need the extra prayers right now!!!