The journey of my family's struggle with a Brain Tumor. Cancer Sucks but the days continue so we must continue on as well... with a fight!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The list of icky's continue

I feel extremely bad for Todd. The list of icky-ness truly continues for him. We are going on 1 full month since he has felt bad, foggy or icky. He's now added diarrhea,nose bleeds and thrush in his mouth to the list of issues, in addition to still not being able to see 100%, balance issues, fatigue, speech, nausea and bruised all over his arms!

The diarrhea, nose bleeds and thrush mouth is all from the cpt11 and avastin. I have more immodium in this house to sink a ship... we have more tissues in this house to sink a ship and now we have a rinse called 'magic mouthwash' to help him with his mouth sores. He said the mouthwash might be worse then all of the above...blah....

I'm about 1 week behind on posting. Last week was Thanksgiving and it was an awkward but a nice one. Since we didn't know how everyone was feeling, we made no plans. My mom cooked a meal so she could share with us and last minute the Bloomfield's decided on a dinner (if you remember, Todd's mom had Chemo on Monday before Thanksgiving and wasn't sure if she could do Thanksgiving). I dropped Todd off for a few hours and then Ty and I went to my moms. I don't think we have ever spent a Thanksgiving apart. My mom had a great dinner but it was just the 4 of us (Her, Pops, me and Ty) around the dining room table. Afterwards I went back to get Todd and we went home. He was beat.. beat..and beat.. even from doing nothing.

After a day of full rest, Friday, Todd woke up on Saturday wanting to go out for breakfast. This was one of the first requested outings... I think we pushed Saturday too much because he was miserable on Sunday. (We also went to the movies Saturday night).

Brings us to this week... On Friday, 12.3, we saw the Dr and they opted to do both treatments that afternoon so we didn't have to go back again on Tuesday. He was at the infusion center for over 5 hours. I think he tolerated it fairly well. The next few days will tell us the real story.

Ty had his first ever basketball game on Saturday and Todd was determined to go... The boys won their game and Todd and Ty had great basketball conversation. We went out to lunch with our friends and then on to home to hibernate.We've been hibernating ever since. :)
Now on to my blah blah blah thoughts...

I have never been one to adapt to change easily. I feel like my family has been through so much change in the last year. It kinda sucks! We've learned to adapt to how things are now and we are moving forward. I am so lucky that Tyler embraces change without any 'issues' because I know a lot of kids who struggle with it. Ty's school counselor tells me every month how lucky we are to have a kid who is adaptable. :) I am very thankful for that!!! Change will keep me on my toes, Change will make me see things in a different light and Change will make me appreciate many things... I have to keep telling myself that everyday. We are a stronger, more united team/family because we've had to adapt to CHANGE!!!

I found this quote while looking for something else and I think it's a bit appropriate.

Don't be afraid of change. You many end up losing something good, but you will probably end up gaining something better. ~~~unknown

We've lost our old life but I know that what we are gaining will be better... just waiting to see it!

That's it for now... All is slowly, very slowly moving in the right direction. I've been very humbug this year so I am now trying to get in the Holiday spirit. I guess this week it's finally time to put a Christmas tree...better late than never!

If anything changes, I will let you know. I still appreciate all those people who consistently call, text or stop by. People truly come out of the woodwork in a time of need and we appreciate it!

Happy Holiday's everyone (see I'm trying)

The Clan....