So as many of you know... or don't know... I read many many different brain tumor blogs, forums at night before I go to bed. When I found the above saying, I knew it went with our family motto. We really do have so much to be THANKFUL for every day, but more so we need to be thankful to see the next day ... we really do. Yes, my family has been dealt a crappy hand but we are surviving and we will continue to do so. I won't say that I get down in the dumps about our 'situation' because I do however it does me or my family no good to be crabby about it so for now... we will continue to stay positive.
Last week on my forum reading, I e-met another woman in a similar situation as ours... Her hubby is being seen by Dr. D at Duke and he is getting ready to start the same chemo concoction as Todd. They are young like us and have a small daughter, 2yrs old. She has what appears to be a wonderful support system at home! I'm adding her site to mine just so we can get more prayers going her way. They are a bit of newbies compared to us so I can completely empathize with everything she is going through. Her hubby's name is Josh and here is her site.
Like clockwork, the diarrhea has hit since his last chemo treatment on Friday. Once it hits, he is down for the count for a few days. His speech is still pretty crappy, vision is ehhh (just depends on how tired he is), balance is better, hand/arm strength is almost fully pre-tumor back, mouth sores are gone and hair loss comes and goes.
I'm home until January 3 so hopefully we won't kill each other between now and then. I've tried to make Christmas as fun as possible for Ty and now we are creeping on just a few more days. I can honestly say though, I am ready to get past the holidays and focus on the 'whats next' stage.
I know I say in almost every post how THANKFUL I've been to our supporters. This week we've seen some amazing support (spoken and unspoken), we've been touched by some amazing people and we have another crazy family that easily accepts us for what we bring to the table and hangs out with us. I can't say Thank You enough to everyone... I can't even keep up with Thank you cards, LOL..
This weekend is Christmas and I'm sure it's going to be way too much for Todd but we will roll with the punches and do whatever is necessary to make Todd comfortable. He will have a scan on the 28th, blood work on 29th and chemo on 30th. Anyone know what the 30th is???
I will post when I think of something else to say... :)
The Clan...
Your birthday!!!!!
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