Just a quick update... Nothing too new but I have many people checking daily so I thought I would drop a few lines.
Todd had his labs done on Thursday and when they called they said all was 'looking' good. First thought... Yeah!!! Second thought... Ut Oh. Last 3 month cycle all was well and come to find out tumor had grown. Anywho, we have no choice but to trust in our doctors. He is still feeling a bit blah but not sick. So I guess as long as he is not sick, all is well.
Ty is having a sleepover tonight for his birthday and we went to the Melting Pot for his Birthday. (Tomorrow is his 11th birthday) Sorry for the bad picture but I took this from my phone. We had a great time... Todd stayed home because he wasn't feeling fabulous and he is trying to watch his diet while on chemo.

Lastly, my Aunt Marianne passed away this week. Although I haven't seen her in years, the news was very sad. It reminded me that life is short and we need to make the most of it!!! Please add my cousin, Dianne Garofalo in your prayers as she is dealing with the loss of her mother. Also, many of you know that my mother in law, Bonnie, has been dealing with cancer for many many years. This week her tumor markers skyrocketed and within the next few weeks, she will start chemo again. Us Bloomfield's can't catch a break!!!
See you all next week sometime!!!
Hey Todd!! Had Greg in yesterday and oh yea Nick also!!!! Greg is planning on giving you a call, he didn't know if he should, I said oh yeah. Hope your staying positive and doing ok with everything. You are on a lot of peoples thoughts and minds and in our prayers. Talk to ya later.
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