The journey of my family's struggle with a Brain Tumor. Cancer Sucks but the days continue so we must continue on as well... with a fight!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday's phone call

Dr. Desjardins called today to say the reviewed the scan and ..... there is no chance it can be biopsied without paralysis. Although I knew this was the case, part of us was hoping for a small miracle.

Plan B... Todd will start chemo again tonight. It will still be Temodar however it will be a 28 day dose vs a 5 day dose. Dr. has advised that Todd will be weak and tired. Temodar is typically pretty good with nausea and hair loss but we were told to expect the worst. I have the arsenal of all sorts of nausea medicine so he should be good for this go around. Dr. said that his energy level would be the pits and not to expect much out of him once the chemo was fully in his system. I know that on Saturday when we went to Krogers, he was tired after that so no telling what the next few weeks will bring. Good news is... he has nothing to do but take care of himself over the next couple of weeks! He will do a baseline scan AGAIN on Thursday for the Duke crew and then another one during the first week of May. In May, she will decide based on the scan whether to stay on plan or bump it up with another chemo concoction.

Last thing... Todd called his Oncologist in Knoxville and he spoke to the nurse. She told us that Dr. Avery has been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma... sheesh... he just started chemo as well and is getting ready for a bone marrow transplant. She told us that he hopes to be back in a few weeks however I'm guessing we need to be on the lookout for a new Oncologist. Any suggestions??? For the next few weeks, we need the nurses for blood work so all should be good.

Our roller coaster continues... We are good and don't need anything. Just continued support and prayers. Not sure when I will update again... maybe over the weekend after a few days of chemo. Thanks everyone!!!


Anonymous said...

Kim, I can't even tell you how many people here in Georgia are praying for you guys! Even my parents who have only met Todd once have him on their prayer list at church. The VF Outlet crew is definately thinking and praying for ya too! If you guys need ANYTHING please let me know! Hugs to you all! ~Kimberly H.

Unknown said...

Thank you Kim for continuing to update. Know that you have thoughts and prayers from far away. Todd, keep fighting, and we'll keep praying.

Monte Schofield
in distant Idaho

Angela Whaley said...

My mom sees Dr. Antonucci as her oncologist here. She loves him. I'll be thinking of you all.

Anonymous said...

Kim, I really trust Dr. Wahid Hanna's experience in oncology at UT. He's done impactful work. Might be worth meeting him.
