The journey of my family's struggle with a Brain Tumor. Cancer Sucks but the days continue so we must continue on as well... with a fight!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Brain Tumor/Cancer Resource Links

So, I had to do a lot of my own research when it came to finding any assistance or help. I thought I would compile it and post it in one location. Hopefully someone will find it and it will be useful to them without going thru all the rig-a-ma-roo I went thru.

For Brain Tumor Support Check out BTS Cares-will help with financial support

American Cancer SocietyMake sure to call your local branch and the 800#. I was able to get support from both the Tennessee chapter and the Florida chapter.

Cancer CareWill provide support for patients diagnosed with any type of cancer. They also have grants to apply for.

Kelly Heinz-Grundner FoundationThis non profit help with brain tumor patients but is limited to helping patients living in Michigan, Western New York and Delaware

This next one is for help with Air fare-none of this worked for us never know. There are 4 organizations that I called. The first 2 will direct you to your area and the last one is Southwest Air.

Air Care

National Patient Travel Center

Corporate TravelI thought this one was neat! You would fill empty seats on corporate jets. I believe you have to put your name on the list and wait for them to call you.

Southwest AirlinesI can't find the actual link to their charity site. You have to fill out a form and then they call you and discuss travel plans. They will do one roundtrip ticket per calendar year. I did find this number for charity, 214-792-1300. I also believe that Delta will do a roundtrip ticket as well, you just have to make a few phone calls.

I sure hope this helps someone out there. We received assistance from ACS, Cancer Care and Brain Tumor Society. You just have to stay persistent!!! Send me a comment if you have any questions.