Last week Todd was hallucinating way more than normal and he was having very aggressive behavior at night. At first it was directed at Tyler and towards the later of the week, it was towards me to. The final straw for me was last Thursday night when all 3 of us were watching tv in bed and out of the blue, Todd punched Ty 3 times on the back. I quickly stopped him and made sure Ty was OK... Got Ty out of the room and tried to talk to Todd, realizing I'm not really sure what he understands in that mindset. While I was helping him get ready for bed, he punched me. I was furious over the situation but truly understood that he wasn't in his right mind. Ty and I went and slept on the couch and in the morning he barely remembered it. I say that night was my final straw because for a week or so Todd has been biting, hitting or verbally being ugly. My heart would break for Ty when I would hear Todd say things to Ty. I would just reassure Ty that Todd didn't mean it and its all because of his brain not working right. In addition, we knew when Todd would get wonky because he would start talking in a crazy voice.. It was just so bizarre.
I called my trusty NP, Tiffany, who talked to me about realitiy and that if things didn't stop we would have to remove him from the home, for our safety and sanity. She mentioned the words Residential Hospice... ick... I was realistic that it was potentially going down that path. We gave him an anti-psychotic prescription and off we went. Well, the prescription turned him into a complete zombie. He could barely stay awake and form sentences. After a few days of playing with the dose and talking to Duke, we pulled him from it. I am super happy to say that he has been on 'good behavior' all week and we have had NO aggressive outbreaks since Sunday. In addition to no aggression, he's been pretty 'normal' on the stories he is telling. Fingers crossed...
The brain is truly a funny thing!
So fast forward... Our Physical Therapist talked to me on Wednesday about the fact that he's gained at least 50% more strength in his legs and with continued work, he might be able to stand on his own, help transfer better or even walk assisted with a walker. Somehow I started talking to her about how I wished we could see her M-F and then the topic of a rehabilitation center came up. Given his terminal diagnosis, we weren't sure if this was even an option. As of Friday afternoon, we are still waiting to hear of options for facilities he might be able to go to... We are hoping for a facility that will be able to provide around the clock care and help him in OT, PT and speech. This is encouraging for Todd in the thought he might be able to assist in transferring, walking, etc... I would much rather him die fighting and trying then to give up and have no HOPE. To be continued...
So you see that last week we were talking about residential hospice and this week we are talking about rehab... no wonder sometimes my mind is all over the place!
I am very realistic about what might come but I will fight with him as long as he is God willing!
So, keep us in your prayers for continued success in his mobility and that he stays away from being wonky and aggressive... He has a scan on next Wednesday and I hope to hear the results by Friday... Busy busy week
A quick shout out to a few people..
- Paul and Helen Cramer for the gift they sent last week
- Jenny Wlas for the care package
- The Armstrongs for the gift card
- Ina Stanland and Pastor Ed who send a card every week
Not sure what we would do without the continued support and prayers from our family, friends and complete strangers!
Thanks all...
The Clan
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