The journey of my family's struggle with a Brain Tumor. Cancer Sucks but the days continue so we must continue on as well... with a fight!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Tyler Update

Just a quick update on Tyler... Yesterday he fell at school and the teacher called to say she thought something was broken in his hand/fingers. Todd was already home from his Dr's appointment so he went to go get him... Ty was still crying so off to the ER they went.

At Childrens Hospital they did xrays and discovered the metacarpals had a small fracture. Todd texted me this picture. I thought it was precious but it also made me chuckle becuase we are dealing with a finger... not an arm. :) Afterwards, the Dr. came in and told Todd and Ty that the sling was not necessary but to keep it. However, they did want Tyler to see an Orthopedic Dr to make sure it did not need surgery or pins. When Ty left, he had a sling and a mini-casted hand... I met the boys at Knoxville Orthopedic Center and after review of the xrays, the Dr said for him to take it easy over the weekend and by Monday he should be alright... So, no cast and off he went.

Now, how did he do it... He was swinging on a swing and trying to do a back flip. Not sure I understand how that can be done but apparently it can be... but not by Tyler! I am thankful that he didn't break his neck.

Thanks for all the well wishes yesterday... We are all fine and dandy.