On our last visit to Dr. Wisemans-Todd's neurologist, he told us about the Florida Proton Center in Jacksonville. We left the office and didn't speak another word of it, that was on Tuesday. On Saturday the 13th, Todd handed me an email from the Proton Center. Todd told me he was interested in seeing if there was anything they could do for him. We gathered LOTS of information and on Monday (15th) we overnighted a pack. By Wednesday, we had an appointment on Tuesday the 23rd.
We loaded the family up an went to Jacksonville for a "short" visit. Our appointment was on Tuesday with Dr. Malyapa. He told us that Todd was an Excellent candidate for the proton therapy. The best information was that he thought and the overall goal was to get rid of the tumor, not just shrink it! Exciting News!!!
Proton Therapy is kinda like radiation but does not destroy all the cells surrounding the tumor. Here is the link to the center. Proton Center
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