Thursday, May 26, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Tyler Update
At Childrens Hospital they did xrays and discovered the metacarpals had a small fracture. Todd texted me this picture. I thought it was precious but it also made me chuckle becuase we are dealing with a finger... not an arm. :) Afterwards, the Dr. came in and told Todd and Ty that the sling was not necessary but to keep it. However, they did want Tyler to see an Orthopedic Dr to make sure it did not need surgery or pins. When Ty left, he had a sling and a mini-casted hand... I met the boys at Knoxville Orthopedic Center and after review of the xrays, the Dr said for him to take it easy over the weekend and by Monday he should be alright... So, no cast and off he went.
Now, how did he do it... He was swinging on a swing and trying to do a back flip. Not sure I understand how that can be done but apparently it can be... but not by Tyler! I am thankful that he didn't break his neck.
Thanks for all the well wishes yesterday... We are all fine and dandy.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Week Update 5/17
Tyler was in the sack race, hula-hoop contest and the dizzy bat race... what happened to the traditional games?

This was his first place finish team... All but one he has been in class with since K.
Tyler's 5th Grade Teacher... Ms. Turner
Ty and his buddies. The one is the black shirt is his 'friend'. LOL...
Ty and Sarah, his 'friend'
Ok... the real reason you are reading.. you want to know about Todd. :) So, Todd was icky feeling on Friday. On Saturday he told me he was bored and wanted to get out of the house. He chaperoned me around while I ran errands and we ended up going grocery shopping. After a few hours once again, he was dog tired. We went home where he rested on the couch. While out shopping, we received a call from his buddy in Florida-Steven. He told us that he had a few extra airline miles and would like to come on Monday... We said 'come on' and I could tell that Todd was excited. Afterall, we just had to cancel a weekend trip and lets face it, Todd's days are kinda boring.
I think I pushed the Todd envelope too far on Sunday. We had to clean becuase if you know us... our house IS NOT company ready. We tagged teamed and eventually got it cleaned but I could tell Todd was 'foggy' and having some vision issues. We relaxed for a few hours and then decided to go strawberry picking. On our way there our great friends the Rupekas called and said they wanted to join us so... off we all went. I was in strawberry natzi mode but when I looked over at Todd I could see he was struggling. He let me know that he couldn't see and it was time for him to stop. Boo.... It seems that when he gets tired or pushed himself too far, his double vision is coming back. He said that the berry patch was one big blur.. Boo again! (We did manage to get almost 8 lbs of strawberries)
I guess we are learning that as much as we want to be a 'normal' family and do 'normal' activities, we have to be more cautious. Kinda sucky but I will take that any day as long as we are doing it all together!
Todd picked up Steve early Monday morning and he left last night (Tuesday). I can't tell him enough how thankful I am he came. He brought my family back to life.... They/We laughed and played games (ps3) like we did months ago. Because of Todd's limited hand mobility, he hadn't played with Ty in months. Steve played with Ty and by yesterday afternoon, Steve encouraged Todd to give it a try. When I came home, Todd was playing! Not a biggie to some but golf was taken away and recently video games so seeing him playing the video games was a sigh of relief. It surely is the small things in life that make you go hummmm....
I think I heard through the grapevine that Steve and his family might be coming in June for a few day visit. If we can't travel to see them (Orlando) then they are more than welcome to come see us!
Well, thats the weekly wrap up... Todd has a dr's appt tomorrow but it is only for bloodwork. Unless something has dropped, he will continue on the same path. I will post if there are any new changes.
A quick shout out to his VF team.... Thanks for all the cards we've been receiving. I know there are some days he receives 3-4 cards. One person sends one bi-weekly! Just letting him know he has support helps him to continue on. I have lots of support and I think sometimes he feels out in the cold-whether he will admit that or not! LOL....
Lastly, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to know who is visiting the blog. IF you don't mind, please drop us a comment. The nosey person in me is dying to see where all the visits come from. :)
Thanks everyone!!!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Long Overdue Update
Todd's scan results came back last week and we were told 'no significant' change. In the brain tumor world, to us that is pretty good news. We can't expect miracles overnight! Dr. Desjardins emailed me a few times on the next plan of action and then she spoke to Todd on Monday. The new plan is to add just a bit more dosage and continue on a every day treatment cycle. His bloodwork came back just a smidge off but nothing that was too alarming. She said they would discuss it again after the next round if it was 'off' too. I believe that Todd is on Temodar (chemo) for the rest of the year and if at any point she feels like the tumor is not responding, she will add another mix to the prescription.
Todd's feeling pretty crappy... to say the least. He's functioning and functioning pretty well but he just doesn't feel good. I know he is 'enjoying' the much needed time off from work but I wish it was for other reasons. :) He is not able to do much and it saddens me. My goal for him is to eventually play golf again. At this point, golf isn't even in the conversation... He can't use his arm to swing nor could he do the walking. A few months ago, he told me to sell his clubs. I was telling one of his golf buddies about the conversation and he made me promise not to sell them. So... we will hold on to them with high hopes of being used SOON!
We had planned to go on a weekend 'trip' with some family and that was cut short due to the Dr. telling Todd that she didn't want him to travel. It bummed me out a bit however Todd is my first priority. It's amazing how we now have to consider the smallest things now when it comes to him...snotty noses, upset stomachs, travel distance, shopping buggies, etc... Hand sanitizer is a new best friend.
I feel like I keep telling everyone the same thing over and over... I wish I had something new and exciting but... not this week. :)
Todd's mom is feeling pretty good as she is continuing with her chemo as well.. Please keep all of us in your prayers. We have a lot going on. Thanks everyone (will do better about updating this week)!!!