I received a call last week from Tennessee Donor Services... apparently a few weeks ago, I called them. The lady asked if I was interested in knowing what happened to Todd's cornea's and retina's. I was definitely caught off guard and I needed a few minutes to digest the info. After processing for a few minutes, I called the lady back and told her that I definitely wanted to know about Todd's donation.
Well... Both cornea's and retina's were SUCCESSFULLY transplanted to someone. The first person was an 83 yo grandparent and the other was a 33 yo man. Both live here in East Tennessee. That's all I know but I am very thankful that I was able to make that decision to give the 'gift of sight' to someone on behalf of Todd.
I had never really thought too much about organ donation but after this I think it is a wonderful idea... I know it's not for everyone but please consider because it truly is important in helping out others. :) Here's the TN link.
As far as whats going on with the Bloomfields.... Ty started 7th grade almost 3 weeks ago and the routine has been a huge blessing to us. He's still actively in Boy Scouts and playing guitar. Since it's just me and all the running around, I have limited his activities to those 2 things. Other than that, all is good. I've learned that in 7th grade the girls are starting to get a little boy crazy and Tyler has numerous texts throughout the night. He's not quite 'there' yet but I know it's right around the corner.
Me... I'm juggling life. I am learning to appreciate those who are single mothers who work full time. It's super hard. In addition to that, I am struggling with the daily household stuff. I never thought our house was big but it's alot of work for 1. It's ok though, I have no plans to go anywhere. I make a goal of cleaning 'something' every day. :) I'm thankful for my friends who are having me over for dinner and entertaining me. Ty's been going to both Knoxville grandparents 1x a month for the weekend. During this time, I'm either going out with friends or doing stuff around the house... My mom told me last night how much she appreciates having him because they see him more now than they every did and he's so much fun now that he's grown up. I know the Bloomfield's feel the same way... Ty and I are truly blessed to have both sets of parents around who want to be active in his life!
We have an action packed fall planned. I have purchased season UT tickets and we have a trip for fall break planned. Between boy scout camping, UT football and just living life, we will stay busy!!! This Friday we are off to Atlanta to see UT play and then on Saturday we are doing Six Flags (weather pending).
I think that's the scoop... I will post when I can give another Bloomfield update. Continued thanks to those who have supported us. I'm learning that I can't please everyone so instead I will focus on pleasing me and Ty!
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