Tyler finished school the last week of May.. his last year at Elementary school. :( I was sad but survived. The next week he loaded a bus with 1200 other students, 23 from his school and went to Washington DC with Safety Patrol. This was the first time he had ever been this far away from home. Luckily one of his chaperones took and sent lots of pictures. I have attached a few.. they are great!!! These kids stayed busy from sun up to sun down...
Tyler is the very front with the white shorts... not the one bent over.
So what else have we been up to... We've had craziness around the house. 2 weeks ago our garage door broke so we spent the next few days looking for a garage door/company. Then last week we had a HUGE storm come through and while we were worried about the cars getting hailed on (that was 2 months ago-a hail storm) we frantically tried to get the garage door open to get the cars in. Just as we opened the door, we heard a loud boom and BAM... our main big tree fell on the back end of Todd's car (barely hit it but hit it) and Ty's basketball goal fell on the front end. Lovely...
Here a picture of what we saw when we heard the door open.
The next day... doesn't look horrible but it's most of the tree.
Our neighbors trampoline

A tree on the road behind us.. The root of the tree was at least 6 feet tall and it took part of the asphalt with it.
We learned last week to appreciate electricity. We were out of power for a bit over 24 hours. It was awesome to see the neighborhood rally together. One neighbor had 4 refrigerators connected to his generator. I put everything into our chest freezer and found a block of dry ice. What a mess.... what a mess... Since we had nothing to do the kids played games outside and ran around like wild hooligans. :) Us adults took the time to chat up on life. Funny part about this picture is that we would sit in the driveway for a bit then when it started to rain we would go into the garage and so on... No need to go inside because it was cooler outside then inside. NOW... I will say that we were only out of power for 24+hours but we will have a few school friends who are STILL out of power.
So the phrase: When it rains it pours, really fit the Bloomfield house the past few weeks.
Todd this past weekend went on his annual golf trip however he was a bystander vs. a golfer. I felt extremely bad for him as they all loaded up for their trip. Nothing like going on a golfing trip and not bringing your clubs. Greg (brother), Ken (neighbor) and Todd drove to Crossville, TN to meet up with the VF guys-Monte, Jay, Jim, Greg G. and Dave. (Dave isn't a VF guy, just a friend) They played all day Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Todd got home yesterday and I knew he was 'off.' He said that his stomach was sick starting Sunday and he forgot his nausea medicine at home. Still today, he is not feeling well. I knew that when he got home he would have to recover from the long draining weekend. I know he had a great time catching up with friends and I am so appreciative that they included him in the trip. It was good for his mind and soul.
So to current day and plans... Tomorrow (Wednesday) he goes for a scan, Thursday he goes for his bloodwork (which has been good over the past few weeks) and then next Thursday, July 7 we are back to Duke. Ty and I will leave on July 10 to go to the beach with GREAT friends. We have a busy busy month ahead of us but I am still struggling with the thought that this week wraps up June!
Nothing else is new... The past 2 weeks have been completely draining but all is good and we are back on track. I am very thankful for our friends, neighbors and family. Each day someone one reminded me all the reasons to stay positive. :)
I will update again either after the scan results or on our way home from Duke-which ever comes first.